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Nils Häsicke

Client Side

  • Add LIVE map module with timepicker, list view and map view.
  • Improve bookings conflict handling to display the red notification screen
  • Fix Login page alignment
  • UI & Style changes
  • Add date range booking
  • Add notification page for the not supported Microsoft Internet Explorer

Admin Side

  • Add CSV based user imports
  • Users invitations can be turned off and triggered manually by the admin --> Click on "Send User Password Reset"
  • Admin can not delete himself
  • Add available bookbales table to the location editing screen
  • Add last login info for the users table
  • Add anonymization of bookings after certain dates
  • Add resource groups for client access restriction for bookings
  • Activate analytics screen (space utilization / top and lowest performing places / overall seat usage, Heatmap)
  • Activate CheckIn & CheckOut functions with grace period
  • UI & Style changes