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Nils Häsicke


  • Added: Stronger, more common password policy
  • Added: Better e-mail address validation
  • Added: We now use a failover email provider as well for better email delivery
  • Fixed: Various styling issues, minor usability improvements
  • Fixed: Improved translations

Admin Side

  • Added: SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) integration: Provision your users and groups directly from your IdP (Identity Provider) for a centralized user management experience and avoid the administration overhead.
  • Added: Per user anonymization is now an option: When selected, every user can choose on their profile page whether to hide their information from others
  • Added: Global tags: When adding tags to bookables you can now search every tag already in use for better re-using tags
  • Added: Filter box auto-close when clicked outside
  • Added: Select users by name & email when associating bookings
  • Added: Changing fixed bookables via import is now possible
  • Fixed: Better error messages
  • Fixed: Better SVG support
  • Fixed: Bookable import sometimes lost the tags
  • Fixed: Smaller user import regression
  • Fixed: Delete every reservation for an already expired recurring rule is now possible

Client Side

  • Added: Fast booking is here. Select a bookable on the live map, or from the search page and make a reservation from there
  • Added: Filter bookables by tags on the booking map and live map
  • Added: Hide meeting room / parking place tabs if the company has no meeting rooms / parking places
  • Added: "Your place" labels: If a reservation belongs to you, the page will express this and not use your name
  • Added: Show informative error when a user tries to log in from an unapproved domain via SSO
  • Added: Option to hide presence from others. An administrator has to enable the feature first
  • Fixed: Selecting a booking from the calendar view and pressing back now goes back to the calendar view correctly
  • Fixed: Sort bookables ending with numbers in the natural order
  • Fixed: Regression where the search results were not clickable
  • Fixed: Better pagination in the booking list
  • Fixed: Check-in button regression
  • Fixed: Some parts of the map were not clickable in certain scenarios