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Nils Häsicke


  • Added TLS1.3 support for better security
  • Removed TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 support for security reasons
  • Dropped support for deprecated weak ciphers in TLS1.2

Admin Side

  • Added: Company name is now configurable
  • Added: Exports are now available in XLSX format
  • Fixed: Analytics date selector now displays the end date correctly
  • Fixed: Sort locations alphabetically

Client Side

  • Added: QR code conflict now shows conflicting user
  • Added: Location is now displayed for bookable items in the search
  • Added: Past hours for the current day are now grey in the calendar
  • Added: Extended layout for the QR code assignment
  • Added: Improved map screen and map tooltip design
  • Added: Show assigned QR codes for bookables for administrators
  • Added: Show number of available bookables on the location selection page for mobile devices
  • Fixed: Show error message on the location selector page if the user has no access to any locations
  • Fixed: Minimum search length is reduced from 3 to 2
  • Fixed: Future bookings of user are now removed when the user is deleted
  • Fixed: Tag search regression
  • Fixed: Smaller download size for the application