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Subscription and billing

Monthly subscription


You can subscribe for a monthly subscription plan using the STARTER and the BUSINESS plans. The monthly subscription is not available on the ENTERPRISE plan.

Resource-based pricing

Flexopus uses a resource-based pricing and not a user-based pricing! You can have as many users and administrators as you want.

A resource can be a desk, meeting room or a parking spot. The resources are managed by the application administrators using the floor plans.

Note! Using a resource-based pricing, you have a full control over the costs. A user-based pricing is difficult to predict. Our customers have, in general, twice as many users as resources. If you compare our services with other solutions, please consider using this formula: 2 user for 1 resource.

Learn more about the floor plans here:

Obtain and customize floor plans
Learn how to create and edit basic or premium floor plans in Flexopus for effective workspace management.
Basic maps
Learn how to create and customize basic maps in Flexopus by uploading floor plan images and adding interactive objects.
Premium maps
Learn how to obtain and customize premium maps in Flexopus for enhanced navigation and workspace management.

Monthly Cost Calculation

The monthly subscription has 3 pricing positions:

  • Initial setup fee (one time)
    The initial setup fee is paid at the beginning, when we are setting up your instance. This setup fee applies only for the monthly plan and is paid once at the beginning.
  • Platform fee (monthly)
    The platform fee is a fix cost paid each month. Theoretically, you can delete all resources in the system. In this case, you still need to pay the platform fee each month to keep your setup live.
  • Resource-based license fee (monthly)
    The resource-based license fee is calculated on a daily basis. Once a day, the system logs the number of used objects in your application. The subscription fee will be calculated during the month on a daily basis. You can increase or decrease the number of resources during the month. Pay as you go. The monthly invoice includes a cost breakdown of the calculation.

You can purchase resources one by one, we do not apply bundles where you need to purchase at least X objects and buy r in 10–50 batches. We also have no minimum number of resources that you need to have.

See an example calculation below.

Example calculation

A customer subscribes to a Flexopus monthly BUSINESS plan on the 15th of January. In this case, the monthly plan will be renewed every 15th of a month. For the sake of simplicity, let's calculate with the following prices:

Initial setup fee: 10 EUR
Platform fee: 10 EUR / month
Resource license fee: 3,10 EUR / resource / month

The customer configures the following resources:

  • 20th of January: Add 20 resources.
  • 5th of February: Add 30 resources.
  • 20th of February: Remove 40 resources.
Object usage of the example customer

The invoices will look like this:

  • 15th of January, First invoice
    100 EUR
  • 1st of February, Second invoice (adding objects)
    29,48 EUR
  • 1st of March, Third invoice (removing objects)
    114,2 EUR

Here you can see a detailed breakdown:

15th of January: First invoice
Invoice: 10 EUR
After registering, the application has 0 objects; therefore, the customer pays only the 10 EUR initial setup fee.

1st of February: Second invoice (adding objects)
Invoice: 5,48 + 24 = 29,48 EUR
The second invoice will include the services used from 15 of January until 31st of January, which a partial month. The invoice includes the partial platform fee of 10 EUR and the subscription fees based on the object usage during the last month, which will be calculated on a daily basis. In this case:

  • 15. Jan. - 19. Jan.
    5 days with 0 objects used.
  • 20. Jan. - 31. Jan.
    12 days with 20 objects used.

The object price is 3,1 EUR / month. The first partial month had 17 days overall, which means that the license price per day is 3,10 EUR / 31 days = 0,1 EUR / object / day. In this case, the following price will be calculated:

  • 15. Jan. - 19. Jan.
    5 days x 0 object x 0,1 EUR = 0 EUR
  • 20. Jan. - 31. Jan.
    12 days x 20 objects x 0,1 EUR = 24 EUR

This way, you pay 0 + 24 = 24 EUR license fees. Additionally, the monthly platform fee needs to be paid partially, which is:
10 EUR / 31 days x 17 days = 5,48 EUR

The final price will be 5,48 EUR + 24 EUR = 29,48 EUR + VAT

Note! This calculation may seem a bit complicated, but it's better than just taking your last object count (20 objects) and multiplying it with the object licenses for the whole month.

Now the next month will be a full month, which makes the calculations for the future months easier, since you will have one invoice per full month.

Now let's see the second invoice, when you remove objects:

1st of March: Third invoice (removing objects)
Invoice: 104,2 + 10 EUR = 114,2 EUR
The third invoice will include the services used from 1st of February until 28th of February. The invoice includes the platform fee of 10 EUR and the subscription fees based on the object usage during the last month, which will be calculated on the daily basis. In this case:

  • 1. Feb. - 4. Feb.
    4 days with 20 objects used.
  • 5. Feb. - 19 Feb.
    15 days with 50 objects used.
  • 20. Feb. - 28 Feb.
    9 days with 10 objects used.

The object price is 3,1 EUR / month. The second month had 28 days overall, which means that the license price per day is 3,10 EUR / 28 days = 0,11 EUR / object / day. In this case, the following price will be calculated:

  • 1. Feb. - 4. Feb.
    4 days x 20 objects x 0,11 EUR = 8,8 EUR
  • 5. March - 14 March
    15 days x 50 objects x 0,11 EUR = 85,5 EUR
  • 5. March - 14 March
    9 days x 10 objects x 0,11 EUR = 9,9 EUR

This way, you pay 8,8 + 85,5 + 9,9 = 104,2 EUR license fees. Additionally, the monthly platform fee needs to be paid for the full month, which is 10 EUR.

The final price will be 10 EUR + 104,2 EUR = 114,2 EUR + VAT

In the third month you start with 10 objects and so on.

If you need any clarification regarding the monthly pricing, please do not hesitate to contact us:

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