Akamai (SAML2 SSO)

Connecting Akamai with Flexopus is possible through the standard SAML2 authentication protocol.

This article will cover the following instructions:

What is Akamai?

Visit the official website for more information: https://www.akamai.com/

SAML2 Single Sign On (SSO) configuration between Akamai and Flexopus for user authentication

Follow the instructions:

  1. Go to your Akamai Dashboard and click on the Applications > Applications tab on the Add Application Button.
  2. Type: New SaaS App
    Name: Flexopus App
    Description: Desk Sharing Software
    Protocol: SAML 2.0
  3. {your-flexopus-domain} (example: https://demo.flexopus.com)
  4. Add SAML2 app to Flexopus.

Create a new SAML2 connection: Admin Dashboard > Settings > Authentication > Add Provider. You can link several identity providers to Flexopus via SAML2. We already provide separate URLs for each provider: 
  • Metadata File
  • Metadata URL
  • Entity ID
  • Callback (ACS) URL. 
  1. Go to SAML2 Settings

Entity ID: Copy the provided entity ID from the created SAML2 application from the Flexopus Dashboard.

ACS URL ID: Copy the provided ACS URL ID from the created SAML2 application from the Flexopus Dashboard. 

NameID format: Persistent
Name attribute: user.persistentId
Verify single logout: off
Enable ECP: On (Sign only assertions)

  1. Configure the correct attribute mappings. You can leave the friendly name empty.
    *Note that the department and the jobtitle is only an optional attribute for Flexopus. You can also leave it empty.
    Name Name format Value
    http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname URl Reference user.firstName
    http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress URl Reference user.email
    http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn URl Reference user.userPrincipleName
    http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname URl Reference user.lastName
    department Basic user.department
    jobtitle Basic user.title
  2. Save and Deploy the app. Wait until the app is deployed. It takes time. 
  3. Go to the SAML Settings page and download the Metadata file.

  4. Go to the Flexopus Dashboard. Select Settings > Authentication > SAML2 App.
    Activate SAML2 SSO
    Select Metadata file
    Upload the XML file
    SAML2 login label:
    SSO Login
    Synchronize groups:
    Do not forget to save the settings.

  5. Assign a user directory to your app at Akamai, which includes the enabled user profiles for login.
  6. Test the login.
  7. (optional) If you want to use only the SSO for login, deactivate the Password + Email login form at Flexopus (We recommend doing it after you finished the SCIM configuration.): 
  8. (optional) Troubleshooting: 
    Please check the configuration manual again or contact our support: support@flexopus.com 

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