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Building management



The buildings, floors, and objects are orchestrated in a hierarchical structure in Flexopus. In this article, we explain how the building abstraction level works and showcase the settings of the buildings.


A building contains one or multiple floors and group them into an entity. A building can be used as a group of floors as a physical building, or you can assign additional corresponding floor plans such as parking garages to a building. You can create multiple buildings across multiple timezones.

Building management

A building contains multiple floors, which you can order. This order will be used to display the buildings to the users on the live plan or in the booking process.

Order buildings

If you open a building, you can see the associated floors in a list. You can also order the floors.

Order floors

New floors can be added to the buildings. Note that a floor inside a building have the same timezone as the building. You can see the timezone of the building in the building settings. There you can also edit the name, address and visibility of the building. You can also upload image for the buildings. Additionally, you can limit the access rights of the building with user groups. The handling of the user groups is described in this article:

User groups
Introduction Here you can see a list of action you can do with user groups to use and manage them as an administrator: How to manage the user groups? * Manage groups manually * Manage groups via the SCIM API * Manage groups via SAML2 (memberOf) * Import users and groups (CSV and XLSX)

Add building

Navigate to the Dashboard > Locations > Buildings tab as an administrator and click in the Add building button. You need to enter the building name, address and timezone.

After creating the building, you need to publish it. It's recommended to create first the floors for the building.

Note: Make sure you select the right time. We assume for a good reason that buildings are not moving across timezones once they were created. Changing the timezone afterward can effect bookings, therefor only the second level support team can change it for you once the building is created.

Delete building

Deleting a building is recommended to be done in two steps. First unpublish the building in order to hide it from the users. This can be done by opening the building and navigating to the general settings tab. You can only unpublish the building if all the associated floors are unpublished as well.

Once the building is unpublished, you can delete the building. Deleted buildings can not be restored.