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Data protection and privacy

Data privacy policy

Data Privacy Policy

Flexopus processes personal data on behalf of companies, based on the data processing agreement (DPA) signed between Flexopus and your organization, Flexopus acts as the data processor and your organization is the data controller. A privacy policy is required so that users can view the framework for processing their data. The data controller is always the company and must therefore ensure that a valid privacy policy is in place. Flexopus is only a data processor on behalf of the company. This way, your organization needs to provide by default the imprint and the data policy texts, which the users of your Flexopus tenant acknowledge, when using the application.

Now let's see how to configure the data privacy policy.

Standard data privacy policy

Flexopus provides a standard imprint and a standard data privacy policy, which can be configured easily in Flexopus as an administrator by navigating to Dashboard > Settings > Data Privacy Settings > Privacy Policy.

Data privacy settings

Here you can fill out the details of your data protection officer: company name, data policy officer name, address, email and phone. Not all the fields are required, but at least fill out the name of the data processing officer.

The based on your integrations you configured fill out, if you transfer the data to a third country. Flexopus keeps your data within the EU, you can see the sub-processors also in the data processing agreement (DPA) in the attachment. Some integrations such as the Google Calendar or the Microsoft Exchange Online integration may also process data in the US. If you use these integrations you may need to note here, that the reservation of meeting room as shared with Microsoft / Google, therefor the data is processed globally also in the US. Otherwise just use this sentence:
The data is not transmitted to a third country.

In the next step, you need to define why you use the application to process personal data. You can say simply: Workplace management application or/and coworking space management or/and visitor management

In the last step, please navigate to Dashboard > Settings > Company settings > Organization settings and fill out the details of your company. This will be used in the imprint and the data policy.

Important: Flexopus does not provide legal advice. Responsible for the content, the accuracy of the information and the timeliness of the privacy policy, is always the data controller.

By configuring these few simple steps, your standard data privacy policy is configured and ready to go.

Custom data privacy policy

Optionally, if you are not satisfied with the provided data privacy policy document, you can also upload your own document. Simply select the option Use own privacy policy. Here you can upload a PDF document. If the option is enabled, then we will show your document, when the users click on this data privacy policy links in your tenant.

In addition, you can activate the option Confirm privacy policy. If this option is active, users must actively agree to the privacy policy when they log in for the first time. The consent is documented and stored with date.