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Under development

Issue management

Reported Issues

In many cases users want to report an issue to the facility management like a broken equipment, misconfiguration, missing access rights, problem with a reservation or with the application. In some cases the reported issues need to be linked with a building, a floor, an object or with a reservation. To support an issue reporting, we developed a module to collect.

Note: The module is in a BETA phase for now. To activate this feature, please request it first by emailing and then enable it for your organization.


Navigate in Flexopus as an administrator to Dashboard > Locations > Issues. Here you can see all the reported issues.

Reported Issues

Once a user created an issue, it will be shown in the top of the reported issue list. You can open the issue to see the details such us the issue title, issue description, issue creation date, issue reporter, issue category, associated building, associated floor and associated objects.

As an administrator, you can close the issue or reopen it. Additionally, you can leave comment on the reported issues. Also, you can see the history of all performed actions.

Issue details

Email notification

For each building of your you can define an email address that will be informed in case an issue is created for that specific building:

Facility management email

Coming Soon...

We plan to add the following features to the issue management module:

  • Assign ticket to a colleague or a service provider
  • API endpoint to get the reported issues for custom integration purposes.
  • Generic email address to get all the reported issues
  • Let users comment on the created issues