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Building management



The buildings, floors, and objects are orchestrated in a hierarchical structure in Flexopus. In this article, we explain how the object abstraction level works and showcase the settings of the objects.


If you click on an object, the attribute editor will open. Here you can edit the attributes:

name - Name of the object
object status - status of the object, such as flexible, blocked or assigned. Flexible object can be reserved by the user, if they have the right access right on the object. A blocked object can not be booked by the users. Assigned objects are permanently assigned to a user and can not be booked by the other users.
tags & equipment - Here you can configure equipment such as: double monitor, adjustable desk. You can define any custom tag and assign multiple tags as well.
additional note - Create a custom note for the object, such as: "Clean the desk after leaving."
notify email - Sends booking confirmations to the e-mail address configured here.

Edit object attributes

Object status

The most important attribute of an object is the status of it. The object status can be flexible, blocked or assigned.

By default, all the objects are flexible, this means that the object can be booked by the users, if they have access right to book it. We can consider this object as a shared object, which is not associated with any of the users by default.

The blocked status means, that the object can not be booked by anybody. The object is a non-usable object for any reasons. For example: technical defect, the object can not be booked to provide more distance between colleagues.

The assigned status means, that the object is assigned permanently to a user. This user doesn't need to create bookings for it and the object can not be booked by any other users. This is typically the case for employees with a fixed work station.

User Groups

On the user groups tab, you can define who can access the object. You can find more information in this article:

User groups
Introduction Here you can see a list of action you can do with user groups to use and manage them as an administrator: How to manage the user groups? * Manage groups manually * Manage groups via the SCIM API * Manage groups via SAML2 (memberOf) * Import users and groups (CSV and XLSX)


On the extensions tab you can manage the integrations such as:

Microsoft Exchange
Synchronize the reservations with a Microsoft Exchange Online resource. We recommend i only for meeting rooms! Read more here:

Microsoft Exchange Online
💡Microsoft Exchange Cloud Version: The Microsoft Exchange On Premise has no Graph API support, therefor we can only support Microsoft Exchange Online Cloud Versions. Introduction With the Microsoft Graph Integration, you can synchronize your Microsoft Exchange resource calendars with the Flexopus for the meeting rooms. The synchronization works bidirectionally in

Google Calendar
Synchronize the reservations with a Google Calendar resource. We recommend i only for meeting rooms! Read more here:

Google Calendar - Sync Calendar Resources
Why synchronizing Google Calendar resources? With the Google Calendar Integration, you can synchronize your Google resource calendars with Flexopus for the meeting rooms. The synchronization works bidirectionally in real time using the Google Management API. Reservations created with Google Calendar will be visible in Flexopus and reservation created at Flexopus

Digital Signage
Connect a display with the object and display the current and upcoming reservation of it on the display.

QR codes
Read more about the QR code module in the corresponding article:

QR Codes
Introduction You can connect QR code stickers with the Flexopus objects such as work stations, meeting rooms and parking spots and allow users to access the objects by scanning the assigned QR codes. Each QR code contains a unique ID, which can be linked with an object. After scanning the

smart locks
This feature is currently in a BETA testing phase, however we can tease that the idea is to associate a smart lock with an object which can be opened in case you booked the object. Read more here:

Xlock smart locks

Public calendar link
Create a publicly accessible calendar link.

Add object

Adding an object to a floor can be done by using the inbuilt map builder at any time by a Flexopus administrator. Lear how the map builder works:

Map Builder
Introduction The Flexopus Map Builder lets you create and customize maps of your office space, making desk sharing and workspace management a breeze. Whether you’re starting with a basic map or fine-tuning a premium one, Map Builder has got you covered. Creating Basic Maps Starting from scratch? No problem! With

Alternatively, you can also contact our support team to do the required changes for you. Our support team is there to support you. Feel free to reach out!

Delete object

Deleting an object can be done using the inbuilt map builder. Open the map builder, click on the object you wish to delete and confirm the changes. Note that only an object can be deleted, that has no active or future reservations, therefor you need to delete the reservations first. You can delete the reservations per object in the floor plan editor tab. Scroll down to the table and click on the Delete bookings button.

Bulk Editing

In many cases, it's required to add the same attributes for multiple objects. The work stations have usually a same setup in a hybrid work environment, therefore editing the one by one may take too long. For this reason, you can find the bulk editor within the floor settings.

Open bulk editor

Open on the bulk editor button and start selecting multiple objects on the floor plan manually. If you click on it will be added and highlighted, if you click on it again it will be deselected.

Select objects

Once you selected the objects, you can do the following operations.

object status - change to flexible or blocked
user groups - add or remove user groups
guest groups - add or remove guest groups
tags & equipment - add or remove tags
notify email - add object notification object mail

The other properties need to be edited manually in case you want to change them, or you also try the import export functionality.

Import Export

As an alternative bulk editing option, you can also export the objects with the associated attributes from Flexopus to edit them in a CSV or XLSX spreadsheet and import the changes back into Flexopus.

Navigate in Flexopus as administrator to Dashboard > Locations > Import / Export and download your current objects.

Export objects and attributes

Once you exported all the object, you can edit the list accordingly to our instructions, that you can find on that page. Please read the instructions.

Note that changes made in the spreadsheet will always overwrite the attributes in Flexopus. Make sure you only import changes for the objects and the attributes you really want to change.

Note! Please use UTF-8 as character encoding to avoid display errors.

Equipments & Tags

Assigning equipments and tags you can help the users to select the best object for their needs, users can explicitly search for certain feature like: double monitor, 4k monitor, ultrawide monitor, silent area, height adjustable desk, video editing PC, special hardware equipment, docking station. You can add any equipment name you like and assign them with an object. We recommend making short names for the equipments.

After using Flexopus for some time, you may lose the overview which equipments & tags are present and connected with your objects. For a better overview, navigate to Dashboard > Locations > Equipments. You can see there all the equipments and tags that you created in the system. By opening an equipment, you can also see which objects are currently associated with them, and you can rename already associated equipment.

Equipment detail view

Use Cases

In this section, we answer some commonly asked questions, that may help you to configure Flexopus in the right way.

How to permanently block an object?

How to permanently assign an object to a collague?