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User management

Vehicle management


You can enable the vehicle management module optionally to improve the parking spot management. This allows the users to manage their own vehicles in their user profile settings. The vehicles can be used for parking spot booking. To have more control over your parking spots you need to validate sometimes, who is standing on a parking spot. With this vehicle management, you will know exactly which car belongs to which user.

List of all cars

Manage vehicles

Users can assign multiple cars with their user profiles. A company car, private car, car of the partner, sommer car, winter car, rented car. The users are able to manage their cars individually in their user profiles. The number of cars is not limited, however a parking spot reservation can only be assigned with one car at a time and normally a user can only create one car reservation at a time.

Manage cars as a user

To create a car, the users need to enter a name, which can be anything and a license plate number, which shall be entered in with white spaces for a better readability.

Create a vehicle

As an administrator, you can also create a vehicle for the users by navigating to Dashboard > All users > select a user > assigned vehicles , still it's recommended to let the users manage their vehicles.

Book a parking spot as a user

If the module is enabled and the user wish to book a parking spot, then the system will ask for a vehicle at the end of the parking spot booking process. After the selecting a car, the booking can be completed.

Select a vehicle for the booking

Still in many cases it's not yet fix, which car will be used on the target date to visit the office, therefor the car of the booking can be edited before the reservation starts.

Validate bookings

To validate, if the parking spots are occupied by the right users and vehicles, you can create an export of the reservations for today as an administrator. Navigate to Dashboard > All bookings > Filter and select the object type parking spots, the dates for today and the locations where the parking spots are located. Click on Apply and export the booking as a CSV or XLSX.

Use the exported list and double check, if all the vehicles are standing on the right parking spots or not. This can be done by matching the parking vehicle plate numbers. In case you identify a non-matching vehicle plate number, you can write down and check in the all vehicle list, which user is the owner of this car. Most probably a user already added that car to list.