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Building management



In Flexopus, buildings, floors, and resources are organized in a hierarchical structure. This article explains how the building abstraction level functions and provides an overview of the settings available for buildings.


A building in Flexopus contains one or more floors, grouping them into a single entity. A building can represent a physical structure or can include additional corresponding floor plans, such as parking garages. You can also create multiple buildings across different time zones, depending on your needs.

Building management

The different buildings can be put in order. This order will be used to display the buildings to the users on the live plan or in the booking process.

Order buildings

If you open a building, you can see the associated floors in a list. You can also order the floors.

Order floors

New floors can be added to buildings in Flexopus. Note that each floor within a building shares the same timezone as the building. You can view the building's timezone in the building settings, where you can also edit details such as the name, address, and visibility of the building. Additionally, you can upload an image for the building and restrict access rights by using user groups. The management of user groups is described in this article:

User groups
Learn how to manage user groups in Flexopus for effective access control and reservation rights.

Add building

As an administrator, navigate to Dashboard > Locations > Buildings and click the Add Building button. You'll need to enter the building name, address, and timezone.

After creating the building, you will need to publish it. It is recommended to first create the floors for the building before publishing.

We created a help video with a step-by-step guide on setting up buildings and floors. Watch it here:

Note: Ensure that you select the correct timezone when creating a building. We assume buildings don't move across timezones once they're created. Changing the timezone later can impact existing bookings, so only the second-level support team can make such changes after the building has been created.

Delete building

Deleting a building is recommended to be done in two steps:

  1. Unpublish the building: This hides the building from users. To achieve this, open the building and navigate to the General Settings tab. Note that you can only unpublish the building if all associated floors are also unpublished.
  2. Delete the building: Once the building is unpublished, you can proceed to delete it. Be aware that deleted buildings cannot be restored.