How can I protect user privacy?

As an administrator, you can, among other things, configure privacy for users in the admin area in the settings under data protection settings.

Here you have the following setting options to choose from:

  1. Show personal information to everyone (recommended)
    If you select this option, all users can be found via the search. In the live plan, users are also listed by their real names. We recommend this setting, as it allows users to locate colleagues, but also, for example, first responders or IT support if necessary.
  2. Hide personal data from everyone
    If this option is selected, users cannot be found via the search. Bookings are still displayed to users, but they are anonymous. Instead of the real name, "Anonymous" is displayed to other users. Your own bookings will continue to be listed with real names. There are no restrictions in the booking list in the admin area after selecting this option.
  3. Let users decide (default setting: show )
    Choosing this option allows users to decide for themselves about their personal data. To do this, they simply select the option that suits them in their profile under "Hide profile". If the user does not change this decision, his/her personal data will be shown to everyone.
  4. Let users decide (default setting: hide )
    As with option 3, users can decide for themselves about their personal data. If the user does not change this setting, his/her personal data will be hidden.

You can also activate booking anonymization. If this is activated, booking data will be automatically anonymized after the period set in "Bookings anonymized after ... days". Everything that traces back to the user is removed, leaving only the start and end times.
