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Map builder

Advanced Guide to Map Builder


In this article, we delve into the advanced features of the Map Builder that can elevate your map editing skills. Previously, we covered the differences between Basic Maps and Premium Maps and demonstrated how to create a map, add, edit, remove objects, and publish changes in Flexopus. If you haven't read those articles, we recommend doing so first. Here, we'll focus on using premium maps as examples. Note that some features discussed are exclusive to premium maps and not available on basic maps.

Basic Maps
Introduction The Flexopus application supports two types of floorplans. This article is about Basic Maps, you can read about Premium Maps in this article. Basic Maps rely on an image of the floorplan, uploaded by the user. You can upload any kind of image that suits your needs the best
Premium Maps
Introduction The Flexopus application supports two types of floorplans. This article is about Premium Maps, you can read about Basic Maps in this article. Created by the Flexopus team, premium maps come with advanced features and optimized designs to improve navigation and workspace management. With Map Builder, users can further

Application layout

Layout of the Map Builder application

The Map Builder application is built up of four major parts. You will find every important function in one of these areas, arranged to be as easy to use as possible.

In the application header, you can find application-level information and actions.

Application header

Use the Options menu () in the left corner to access global actions. Some of these actions are only available in the dropdown, or via shortcuts.

Options menu dropdown

Next to the options menu, you can find the Tool selector that allows you to switch between the basic tools, ie. the Pan tool, the Selection tool, and the Create objects tool.

At the right end of the header a Close and a Publish button is placed. Once you finished working with your map, you can exit the application with either of these buttons.

Your changes are not saved as you are working. To save your work, you must always publish your map and confirm the modifications in Flexopus as well. To discard your changes you can click on Close, or just close the browser window/tab.

Left panel — Layers panel

The left panel contains all the layers of the application. Editable objects of the map are grouped into groups (or layers) such as Workspaces or Furniture, based on their type. You can expand or collapse these groups to tidy up some space. Objects with active bookings appear with amber highlights, while newly added objects get a turquoise emphasis.

Layers panel overview

Right panel — Tools & Properties

The right panel serves a double purpose. On the one hand, it is used to display options for adding a new object, and on the other hand, it hosts the settings panel where you can modify all the properties of a selected object.

The right panel is used for selecting a new object
The right panel shows the properties of a selected object


The central part of the application is the map canvas itself. All the objects are displayed on the canvas, except for the ones you explicitly hide. You can navigate on the canvas with the Pan tool, the scroller button of your mouse, or the zoom controls in the bottom right corner of the canvas. To select one or more objects, use the Selection tool. When enabled, rulers make it easier to position objects. For further accuracy, you can enable a grid overlay.

Rulers and zoom controls of the canvas

You can access some of the object-level actions by right-clicking on one of the objects, and some basic application-level actions by right-clicking the background of the canvas.

Context menu of an object
Context menu of the application

Basic tools

You can control the application with the three base tools, which you can select in the header panel.

Pan tool

Activate the Pan tool by clicking the palm icon in the header, holding Space while using the Selection tool, or by pressing N with shortcuts enabled.

Pan tool in the header panel

With the Pan tool, you can grab the map and navigate without accidentally moving any of the objects. Use the zoom controls, or the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

Selection tool

Activate the Selection tool by clicking the cursor icon in the header, or by pressing V with shortcuts enabled.

Selection tool in the header panel

As the name suggests, the selection tool's main function is to select objects on the map. Click on any object to select them, or draw a bounding box by holding down the left mouse key, to select one or more neighboring objects.

Multiple selection

You can then drag and move objects, or rotate them by dragging the handle at their corner. When moving close to other objects, guidelines appear to help precisely position the object.

Move and rotate objects with the selection tool

Create objects tool

To add new objects to the map, select the Create objects tool from the header.

Create objects tool in the header panel

Once you have activated the tool, you will be asked to select the type of object you want to create. You can do this by clicking a category on the right panel.

Types of new objects

Most object types have variants or configurations. Select the variant from the list and click anywhere on the map to place a new object. You can also create items by dragging and dropping them directly on the map.

Add new objects to the map

Project-level functions

Publish & close

There are two ways of exiting Map Builder: you can either close the app and discard your changes, or publish the changed map to Flexopus. Either way, you will be taken back to the Flexopus admin dashboard.

Close and Publish buttons
Map Builder does not save your changes as you go. Always click on Publish if you want your changes to be kept.

Export SVG

Flexopus maps are stored in SVG format, using a custom scheme for representing static and bookable objects. You can download your floor plan from the Map Builder and make changes to it in your preferred SVG editor tool. Once you made your changes send the updated map to and our colleagues will upload it for you. All maps will be manually evaluated to match the Flexopus Map Scheme, ensuring no mistakes are made.

To download your SVG map, click the options menu in the top left corner of the application and select Export as SVG from the dropdown menu, or press ⌘ + E anywhere in the app.

Options menu dropdown

You will be asked to select the resolution of the exported map. Click Export SVG to download the file to your computer. In case you have hidden objects, or texts with 0% opacity, you will be prompted to choose what to do with them during the export.

Export options modal
Chose what to do with hidden and transparent elements

Export PNG

For your convenience, we also added a feature to download a PNG version of the map. You can use this in case you require a raster image format, such as PNG.

To download the PNG file, select Export as SVG from the dropdown menu in the top left corner, or press Ctrl / + Shift + E anywhere in the app.

PNG files do not contain the information that Flexopus uses to link the objects with their visual representation, thus they can not be used to reconstruct Flexopus floor plans.

Object-level functions

Changing object properties

All objects have the following common properties: name, position, mirroring, rotation, and size. In some cases, some of these properties are fixed, and can not be changed. Every property can be managed on the right panel (properties panel), the canvas, or the layer list panel. We summarized how to change an attribute. In most of the cases, there are multiple ways to change an attribute.

  1. Changing the name
    1. Select the object on the canvas using the Selection tool and change the name in the properties panel.
    2. Double-click the object name in the layers panel to enter Edit mode
    3. Click the options button () next to the object in the layers panel, and select Rename from the menu to enter Edit mode
Change the name on the properties panel
Select Rename in the options menu
Edit mode
  1. Changing the position
    1. Select the object on the canvas using the Selection tool and change the X and Y positions in the properties panel. Once you click in the input field, you can use the up and down arrow keys to change the value. Hold Shift for bigger steps.
    2. Drag and move around the object on the canvas with the Selection tool
    3. Select the object and press the arrow buttons (up/down or left/right) to move it pixel-by-pixel.
Change the position on the properties panel
Moving an object on the canvas
  1. Mirror object: once selected, click the horizontal or vertical flip buttons to mirror the object over the X or Y axis.
Mirror an object over one of the two axes
  1. Changing the rotation
    1. Drag and move the corner of a selected object on the map to rotate freely. Hint: the cursor turns to a rotation sign () when hovering the correct handle.
    2. On the properties panel, set a precise rotation in degrees, or click the rotate buttons to change the rotation by 90°.
Rotate an object on the canvas
Change rotation on the properties panel
  1. Changing the size: the size of most objects is fixed, with two exceptions.
    1. On Basic Maps, objects have a globally set size that applies to all of them. You can change this by selecting an object and modifying the Size property.
    2. On Basic Maps, the image serving as a background can also be resized by dragging the corner of the image.
Changing the size of badge-type objects (Basic Maps)
Resize map image on the canvas
Images on basic maps are locked by default. To resize your background image, you have to unlock it first.

Copy & paste

Select the object/objects that you want to duplicate and press Ctrl / + C to copy them, then press Ctrl / + V to paste. The duplicated object will appear next to its original counterpart.

Pressing Ctrl / + V repeatedly will stack duplicates on top of each other. Make sure to move duplicates to their appropriate position.

You can also copy an object by clicking the options menu in the layers panel and selecting Copy.

Copy an object from the layers panel

Lock & hide

Two object states can alter visibility and interactivity on the map: they can be locked or hidden.

The goal of locking is to avoid unwanted changes on some objects while focusing on changing others. For example, once you have placed your bookable desks, you may want to lock them while arranging furniture or decoration objects. On Basic Maps, we lock the background image by default to stop you from accidentally moving it. To lock or unlock an object, click the lock icon in the layers panel, select Lock / Unlock in the options menu, or press Ctrl / + L.

Locked objects are not selectable. To make any changes, you have to unlock them in the layers panel.
Locking and unlocking objects

The hide feature can be helpful if you want to edit a specific part or modify overlaying objects. Hidden objects are completely removed from the canvas, and are only accessible from the layers panel. To hide or show an object, click the eye icon in the layers panel, select Hide / Show in the options menu, or press Ctrl / + H.

Hiding and showing objects
You will be asked what to do with hidden objects when publishing your map. Leaving hidden objects on the map is not recommended, as it may cause issues in the booking process.

The lock and hide features can also be used on a group level, by clicking the lock or the eye icon next to a layer's name in the layers panel.

Lock or hide all workspaces

Layer ordering

In most cases, the order of the layers does not change as floorplans usually don't contain overlapping objects. However, if your floor plan does have them, you may need to consider layer ordering. The objects on the map are placed on top of each other in the same order as they are displayed on the layers panel, ie.: the first object in the list is the one on top.

Object layer ordering demonstration

You can modify the layer order by four actions, namely: Bring to front, Send to back, Shift up, and Shift down, all of which are found in the options menu, or using shortcuts.

Change layer order
Due to the map structure, the layer order is constrained by the grouping of the objects. This means that you can not create alternating order of multiple, different types of objects, objects of one type are always neighbors in the layer order.


The application offers 3 ways to delete objects that are not needed anymore.

  1. Select Delete from the options menu in the layers panel
  2. Select the object, then click the trash bin icon on the properties panel
  3. Select the object(s) and press Backspace or Del on your keyboard
Delete an object

In any case, you will be asked to confirm the deleting operation. You may also select multiple objects and delete them at once.

Confirm delete operation
You can not delete objects with active bookings on them, you have to delete all bookings connected to the object in Flexopus.
Booked objects can not be deleted


To make Map Builder more easy to use, most actions have a keyboard shortcut registered. To list all the shortcuts in the app, click on Keyboard shortcuts in the bottom right corner.

Keyboard shortcuts

By default, shortcuts are turned on. This may cause issues since binding the key combinations to Map Builder might prevent the system or other apps from handling important keyboard shortcuts. If you experience any blocking issues, you can disable Map Builder's shortcut handling in the dialog.

Enable and disable shortcuts

You can find all the possible shortcuts listed here below.

Action Shortcut
Close editor ⇧Q
Save & Publish ⌘P
Export as SVG ⌘E
Export as PNG ⌘⇧E
Activate "Navigation" tool N
Activate "Selection" tool V
Activate "Spaces" tool T
Activate "Parking" tool P
Activate "Rooms" tool M
Activate "Special Object" tool X
Activate "Furniture" tool F
Show/Hide grid ⇧G
Show/Hide ruler ⇧R
Show/Hide navigation ⇧N
Zoom in W
Zoom out S
Reset zoom E
Rename selected layer/s Dbl Click
Copy selected layer/s ⌘C
Paste layer/s ⌘V
Hide/Show selected layer/s ⌘H
Lock/Unlock selected layer/s ⌘L
Delete selected layer/s
Shift up ⌘ + arrow up
Shift down ⌘ + arrow down
Bring to front ⌘⇧ + arrow up
Send to back ⌘⇧ + arrow down
Move layer arrow keys
Fast move layer ⇧ + arrow keys