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QR codes

QR Codes


You can connect QR code stickers with the Flexopus objects such as work stations, meeting rooms and parking spots and allow users to access the objects by scanning the assigned QR codes. Each QR code contains a unique ID, which can be linked with an object. After scanning the QR the users cover the following use cases.

USE CASE 1 - Ad-Hoc reservation onsite

Many times, users forget to create a booking in advance and only realize onsite in the office. This happens mostly with the work stations, when the user starts the day between 08:00–09:00 in the morning. Many colleagues are already on site, and it's simple to see which desk are most probably still free for the day. In this case, the user can walk to the desk, scan the QR code and decide how long he's planning to use that object on the that day. Since most of the question are already answered, this will a simple two-step process: Scan the qr code on the target object and select how long you want to stay.

USE CASE 2 - Check-In booking

In case the user already created the reservation, and he only wants to confirm the reservation, the QR code can be scanned which and the check-in option will be accessible directly. This makes the check in more accessible, however the same check in can be made also just by opening the app and visiting the booking made for that object. Learn more about the check in module here:

Check-in Module
Overview By enabling the check-in module, you can enforce users to confirm their bookings before the booking starts. Bookings without a confirmed check-in within the check-in grace period will be deleted automatically by the system. The object will be free to book by the other users. Before the booking start,

USE CASE 3 - Remind users

The most important benefit of the QR code module is not even the software related features, but the fact that the colleagues can see the stickers, which reminds them to use the application. The stickers on the objects reminds the users to create a booking even if they forgot to do so. They see the stickers all the time, and it acts like an advertisement and helps to increase the accuracy of the reservations. An essential metric of a successful rollout of a resource booking application such as Flexopus is how accurate are the utilization statistics, which are calculated based on the bookings.

Object utilization compared to real usage

We can assume that there will be users ignoring or forgetting to use Flexopus. There is a quote of how many users do so. Let's say 80% of the real utilization can be associated with a booking in the system, and 20% of the utilization was made without a booking. The goal is to get that 80% as close as possible to 100%, which we will never reach. There is always somebody who is not booking, but at least we could target 95%. Using the QR codes is one very simple and cheap way to make a measure to get closer to this goal. Therefor, we recommend to use QR codes.

Configuration manual

STEP 1 - Get the QR codes

Firstly, you need to get the QR codes, place them on your objects. The QR codes are provided by the Fleoxpus team and sent to you per post. Write an email to support team and request the QR codes by providing us the following information:

  • URL of your Flexopus application.
  • Number of QR codes you wish to receive. Note that we usually send a bit more.
  • your name
  • address for the post

After receiving your request, we will prepare the QR codes and send them to you. The QR codes are free of charge, if you are a Flexopus customer. We ensure that the QR codes are unique and printed in a good quality, which makes them cleaning resistant.

STEP 2 - Stick QR codes

Once you received the QR codes, go and place them in your office across the objects you want to connect them with. In most of the cases it will be a work station. We recommend placing them on the right or left corner of the desk. We recommend first placing the QR codes on the desks and then continuing with the next step.

STEP 3 - Connect QR codes

Install the Flexopus PlayStore or AppStore application on your mobile phone. Login to Flexopus as an administrator to the normal user side. Take your phone to one of the work stations with a QR code and navigate in Flexopus to the live plan. Select the building and the floor which you are on and click on the object on the floor plan. As an administrator, you will see a tab called QR codes. This tab is only visible for users with an administrative permission. Click on the Assign code button and scan the QR code.

Assign QR code with an object

Note that one QR code can only be connected to one object. In case it was connected with another object in the past, then the QR code get reconnected to the new one and the old assignment will be deleted. This is not a high problem, since you are in front of the object, and you can verify where you connected it. The reassignment of the QR code is not causing any data loss. It's just a link.

STEP 4 - (Optional) Verify connections

To verify if a QR code is connected to the right object or now, we simply recommend scanning the QR code and check if the object is matching on the floor plan with the object you are at. However, if you did the configuration step by step: first stick the codes and then connect them, then you are not in need to verify the connection. Sometimes customers connect first and stick later. In this case a misplacement can happen and a verification is needed.

Additionally, on the QR, we print the uuid (example: 88a5f404-9054-47f4-9611-e73ac771140f)of the QR code as well. Theoretically, you can check that uuid and verify which object is connected to it in the Flexopus dashboard, if you go to Dashboard > Settings > QR codes and search for the QR code uuid`.

Show all connected QR codes

Clicking on the show details, the floor will open, and you can verify also in the corresponding object attributes the connected QR code uuid.

Show connected Qr code

STEP 5 - Test connection

Open the Flexopus mobile application as a normal user and click on the top of the application on the QR code scan button. Scan the QR code on the desk and create a reservation for today. It's enough to test it for one object.

Ad-hoc booking with QR code

Deleting QR codes

Navigate in Flexopus to Dashboard > Floorplans and select the floor plan and then the object which is associated with the QR code. Go to the Extensions tab and delete the connected QR code. Be aware that if you delete it, and you wish to reconnect it, you will need to be onsite to do so.

In case you don't know how many QR codes are connected and where to delete them, go to Dashboard > Settings > QR codes as an administrator.

Troubleshooting & FAQ

I need more QR codes

Write us an email and we will send more.

I did not receive the QR codes

Write us an email and we will send others. Sometimes it gets lost in the process. We make mistakes, the post makes mistake and your office managers make also mistakes. If you do not receive them within a 1-2 weeks, we can send you new once.

iOS older than 14.3: camera support

iOS supports the use of the camera function only from iOS 14.3. If you use an older version of iOS, you need to update it or use another device with which you can set up the QR codes.

Android devices with multiple camera

For Android devices with multiple cameras, do not select a wide-angle lens, otherwise the QR codes will not be recognized correctly.