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2FA for users

If you are using an email and password based authentication method and your organization enabled the 2FA option for you, then you can manage your 2FA on this tab.

For SSO users! If you are using Single Sign On to authenticate at Flexopus, then the 2FA process is handled by the Identity Provider of your organizations, such as Google, Microsoft etc. The 2FA within Flexopus applies only for the E-Mail & password users.

What is 2FA?

Two-factor authentication (2FA), often also called multifactor authentication (MFA) is a second authentication step requiring the user to confirm their identity via a second method, which is a TOTP token at Flexopus.

Configure 2FA

Based on your organization's preferences, you may be forced to set up the 2FA before the first login. Still, you need to do the same steps as described here.

STEP 1 - Third party authentication application
You need to install an authentication application (such as Google authenticatorMicrosoft AuthenticatorTOTP Authenticator, andOTP, FreeOTP, FreeOTP+) on your phone. Most of you probably already have one on their phone, since the same application can be used to authenticate in other applications.

STEP 2 - Scan the QR Code
If you enable the 2FA and enter your password, a QR code will be displayed. Now open any authenticator app on your smartphone and scan the QR code.

STEP 3 - Use the authenticator app
A 6-digit code will be generated and displayed by the authenticator app, which is valid for a limited time frame. Each time you log in to your Flexopus account, you will need the 6-digit code. Simply open the Authenticator app and enter the newly generated code.

Note! Recovery codes are also generated in the last configuration step. You can save these codes as a file. The recovery codes are regenerated after each configuration. You can use these codes if you can no longer log in and need to reconfigure the 2FA. In any cases, a Flexopus administrator can reset your 2FA at any time if you request them to do so.