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Favorite objects

Note! This feature is only available for you if your organization administrators enabled it. If you cannot see the feature, please contact your administrator.


You can mark objects as favorite objects within Flexopus to make the reservation process easier. Most users have a few objects they prefer to book.

Note! Desks, parking spaces and meeting rooms can be added to the favorites.

Book favorite resources

You can see the availability of the selected favorite resources in the reservation process. This way, you don't need to open the map to select the resource there.

Book favorite objects

You can also see the selected favorite resources at the top of the list when opening the floor plan views.

Favorite objects in the floorplan views

List of favorite objects

You can see the already marked favorite objects by navigating to your user profile. Here, you can add or delete objects. You can add up to 50 favorite objects currently, which also can be sorted. The priority will be used in the reservation process.

List of favorite objects

Add object to favorite

You can add favorite objects by searching for the objects in the object search and clicking on the heart icon. If you mark them, other users will not be able to see that you marked them as a favorite.

Mark favorite objects in the object search

You can also access the objects directly using the live plan. By opening the object details, you can mark them as favorite there as well.

Mark favorite objects in the live plan

Remove favorite object

You can remove the favorite objects in the same way as you added them to your list, or by navigating to the profile settings.

Privacy settings

Depending on how your organization configured the privacy settings, you may not see all offices and all floors. Learn more about the limitations here:

Booking limitations: Understand your access
Learn about object statuses, user groups, and booking restrictions in Flexopus to manage your reservations effectively.