Favorite users
You can mark colleagues as favorite users within Flexopus, if the setting is activated for your organization. Using the favorite users feature, you can see in the presence overview
which favorite colleagues are planning to visit the office in the near future:
List of favorite users
You can see the already marked favorite users by navigating to your user profile
. Here you can add or delete users. You can add up to 50 favorite users currently. You can also sort the users. The priority will be used in the presence list view.
Add user to favorite
You can add a favorite user by searching for the user in the user search and clicking on the hearth icon
. If you mark, users will not know that you marked them as a favorite.
Delete favorite user
You can delete the favorite user in the same way as you added them to your list or by navigating to the profile settings.
Privacy settings / hidden users
Depending on the setting of your organization, you may can or cannot see some users. If your organization enabled the users to be hidden, then you cannot find the hidden users in the search.