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First steps

First log in into Flexopus

Login into Flexopus

As a user, you can log in into your Flexopus application using the preconfigured authentication methods, which are enabled by the administrators. An authentication method van be an email and password based login or a single sign on method.

Email & Password

In case your organization enabled the email & password based log in, you need to be invited into the application by an administrator. You can not just register a new account, the application is an invitation only application. It would be not acceptable if anybody could just register an account into the application.

E-Mail & Password based login


The invitation can be made by a Flexopus administrator. The administrator can send you a welcome email to be notified about the creation of your user account, however the administrator can also disable the sending of the welcome email.

Welcome E-Mail
Note! Usually for the initial rollout of the application, the administrators are sending out a welcome email. The user accounts are imported some weeks ahead into the system to prepare a proper rollout. Instead of the Welcome email, a manual email is sent to request you to set a password with the forgot password feature.

In case you did not receive a welcome email, your user account may still exist in the system. You can check it simply by requesting a reset password email for your email address. If you have an existing user account in the system, you will simply receive an email to set your password.

Set / Reset Password

Request forgot password
Note! You will only receive a forgot email link, if you have an invited user account in the system. On the other hand we will not confirm for you, that your email address exists or not. Feedback like this could be misused by third parties to validate the email address of your organization, which we don't want to support. Therefore, if you are not receiving any email you do not have an existing account in the system., You can contact your administrator.

Password requirements

The password will be stored in Flexopus in an encrypted format (not plain text) and need to fulfill some basic rules:

  • At least 8 characters.
  • At least 1 lowercase letter.
  • At least 1 uppercase letter.
  • At least 1 number.
  • The two passwords should match.
  • Password is not compromised. (

Once you set your password, you can log in into the application.


Problem Cause Solution
Invalid email password combination Your access data is invalid (e-mail or password). The correct combination is required. Please check the correct spelling again and otherwise reset your password with the password forgotten function.
Incorrect Flexopus URL You are trying to log in to an incorrect Flexopus instance. Your user does not exist in this instance. Check whether you have accessed the correct Flexopus URL, such as "".
User account disabled / deleted Your user account has been deactivated or deleted. Contact your Flexopus administrator so they can reactivate or create the account.
Access expired Your account had an expiration date and the access has expired. Contact your Flexopus administrator so that they can activate your account.
User does not exist Your user does not exist in the Flexopus user directory. Contact your Flexopus administrator so that they can create your user.

Single Sign On

The single sign on (SSO) based authentication method is easier to use than the classic email & password based approach.

Log in with SSO

Clicking on the SSO Login button, you will be redirected to your companies Single Sign On from, and you can log in there. After a successful login, you will be redirected back to the Flexopus

You don't need to set an extra password for Flexopus. You can use the already existing credentials that you use in the other SSO based application. Depending on your companies configuration the SSO can be enabled using Microsoft, Google, WebEx, KeyCloak, Akamai, CAS or by any other comparable Identity Provider.

The access rights to the application are managed through the identity provider of your organization, which allows you to log in, if you are added to the application or declines, if you are not enabled for the SSO login.

Multiple Single Sign On

In some cases, multiple single sign on log in options are configured by the administrators. This is usually the case, if the organization is splitted into two Identity Providers:

  • One part of the users are using Google to log in and the other part of the organization is using Microsoft for log in.
  • One part of the users are using Microsoft AD FS to login anf the other part of the organization is using Azure Active Directory.

Anyway, you should use the Single Sign On option that's applicable more to your part of the organization. You will most probably not allowed to use both Single Sign On options.


In this case, you will get an error message showing the problem:

Problem Cause Solution
Invalid email password combination Your access data is invalid (e-mail or password). The correct combination is required. Please check the correct spelling again.
Incorrect Flexopus URL You are trying to log in to an incorrect Flexopus instance. Your user does not exist in this instance. Check whether you have accessed the correct Flexopus URL, such as "".
User account disabled / deleted Your user account has been deactivated or deleted. Contact your Flexopus administrator so they can reactivate or create the account.
Access expired Your account had an expiration date and the access has expired. Contact your Flexopus administrator so that they can activate your account.
User does not exist Your user does not exist in the Flexopus user directory. Contact your Flexopus administrator so that they can create your user.
Email domain is not allowed Your domain is not on the whitelist. Contact your Flexopus administrator to get the domain whitelisted.
Identity Provider The identity provider for SSO does not allow access. Contact your Flexopus administrator to verify that the user is approved with the identity provider.
SSO misconfiguration Single sign-on (SSO) was not set up correctly. Contact your Flexopus administrator to verify that the SSO has been set up correctly.
Incorrect SSO selection The wrong identity provider was selected at login. Check if you have selected the correct SSO account for your organization.

Mixed Log In

In some cases, the E-Mail and Password based log in and the Single Sign on option is also activated. This is for a reason, but as a general rule you should always try to use the SSO based log in, if you can.

The E-Mail & Password based log in may be activated parallel to the SSO login in the following cases.

Use Case - Access for externals

Some organizations are allowing externals to login into Flexopus to book their resources. External users are not included in your company's user management, so they can not use Single Sign On to log in. The E-Mail & password based login can be enabled for the to log in.

Use Case - Strict company network

In some cases, the log in via Single Sign On is only possible via the local company network or via VPN, which is not available on the private phones. In this case the Single Sign On and the E-Mail & password based log in can be activated parallel to enable the login from any network.

Use Case - Admin login

Your administrator may separate his normal user account which is used for booking the own desks and the administrator account. Which is reasonable, since due to the rule "separation of privileged accounts". In this case even if the Single Sign On configuration is broken, they can log in and fix it.

For Admins: There is an admin back door implemented for each tenant to fulfill this use case and avoid confusing your users.