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Check-in for users


In case your organization activated the check-in feature, you will be required to confirm your reservation in a set time frame, otherwise your booking will be automatically deleted. This check-in needs to be done within the grace period.

Check-in grace period definition

The check-in grace period defines how much time is given for the user to check into a booking before and after the booking is supposed to start.

By using the check-in module, your administrators can achieve multiple goals:

  • Free up unused desks by automatically canceling bookings when users don’t check in on time. This ensures that other users can access available spaces.
  • Remind you as a user to use the application in your daily routine. You book and keep in mind that you have a reservation. If you forget about the reservation, you most probably don't need it.
Note! The administrators can have a list of missed check-ins in the past and there is an analytics module for it as well. Knowing how many reservations were deleted due to a missed check-in indicates the reliability level and the reservation quality made by the employees. Which is an important factor in the office optimization.

How to check in?

The check-in button activates within in the check-in grace period. The following options are provided to confirm a check-in:

list view check-in
Navigate to the bookings list in your user profile and click on the check in symbol:

Check-In in the list view

detail view check-in
Open the booking detail view and check in there:

Check-In in the detail view

QR code check-in
The third option is to scan the QR code that may be associated with the resource. The QR code module will recognize the active booking and offer the option to check-in. Learn more about the QR code module here:

Check In with QR code

Check-In Reminders

In the profile settings, you can specify whether you want to receive check-in reminders. Once you enable this option, you will receive a check-in reminder as soon as your booking starts.

Check-in reminder email

Learn more about the notifications here:

Notifications: Stay informed on bookings
Learn how to manage email and push notifications in Flexopus to keep track of your reservations and check-in reminders.