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Search for an object


Navigate as a user to the search tab and select the object search tab. Here you search for objects within your organization and see, which upcoming reservations are made for the object.

Search for objects

You can also filter the objects based on name, object type,  office and equipment tags.

Privacy settings

Depending on how your organization configured the privacy settings in the application, you may not see who booked the object, you will see only that an anonymized user reserved the object in a specific timeframe.

Some organizations don't allow users to see each other's reservations, in this case this feature is available in a limited mode. If you decide to hide your profile, then your user profile will not be visible in the search. Learn more about the privacy settings here:

Hide reservations
Overview Flexopus offers multiple configuration settings for administrators that can be applied to the software, such as: * Privacy setting * Reservations anonymization In this article, we will explain the privacy settings from the user point of view. Profile privacy setting One of the most important setting is the privacy setting, which